become confident

The top 10 ways to build confidence and feel great about yourself

Confidence is an extremely attractive quality that can help you succeed at life, in your career, and in your relationships. As soon as you have some self-confidence under your belt, you’ll be more comfortable trying new things and making the most of every opportunity that comes your way. Here are the top 10 ways to build confidence and feel great about yourself.

1) Start by knowing what self-confidence is

Self-confidence is a feeling of being sure of your own abilities, good judgment, and trustworthiness. It gives you power over what makes you feel good or bad. When you feel confident, it’s easier to talk with others in class or at work, make decisions without worrying what others will think, know that you can do something well without having someone else tell you so.

2) Recognize your strong points

Think about what you’re good at. What are your strengths? What have you been complimented on recently? Take some time to write down five things you do well. Put it somewhere where you can see it everyday, like your bathroom mirror or next to your bed on a piece of paper. Remind yourself of these things every day until they start coming naturally and automatically.

3) Practice makes perfect

Confidence can be learned through practice. The next time you’re in a social situation, put on your best self; smile often, engage others, ask questions (not too many), and act like you’re already confident. You’ll soon learn that it doesn’t take much effort to exude self-assurance—and you might even begin feeling more powerful than before.

4) Don’t compare yourself to others

In order to feel good about yourself, you’ve got to stop comparing your insides with other people’s outsides. It can be tempting sometimes to look at someone else who’s more successful, smarter, or prettier than you are and think that you have no chance of success because other people are so much better. But these types of comparisons are toxic because they focus on what someone else has instead of what you have.

5) Get rid of negative people in your life

It is natural to want support from those around you. Unfortunately, that doesn’t mean they are always positive and supportive. Some people will tear you down, whether they do it consciously or not. These people are a drain on your self-confidence, so it is essential that you identify them in your life. Start by keeping a journal of those who criticize you most often, such as family members or co-workers.

6) Do things you are good at

All of us have things we are better at than others. Find out what you’re good at, and do more of it. This will increase your self-confidence in no time. For example, if you are very organized but can’t cook well, maybe hire a chef for a few hours per week or delegate some cooking tasks to family members. If you think clearly but aren’t very creative, brainstorm ideas or hire someone else for that task.

7) Act confident even if you aren’t feeling it inside

It might seem like a catch-22—if you’re not feeling confident, it can be hard to act confidently. But even if you’re feeling nervous, take on that important meeting or strike up a conversation with your crush. Acting confident and self-assured will not only make you feel better, but it will help boost your actual confidence level in time. Just keep in mind that nobody has complete assurance at all times; fake it until you make it!

8) Keep practicing

Confidence is not something you are born with. It is developed over time, through a series of small victories. So be patient with yourself, accept criticism without letting it get you down, and develop your skills. And don’t forget to acknowledge your efforts as successes – even if they seem small or inconsequential at first. When in doubt, take a look at some of these tips on building self-confidence!

9) Trust yourself

If you don’t believe in your skills, talents, or abilities then why should anyone else? When it comes to building your self-confidence, it is essential that you develop a positive attitude towards your abilities. You have no choice but to trust yourself if you want others to have faith in your capabilities. Even if something seems challenging at first, try not to get discouraged. Confidence is developed with persistence and practice so keep trying until you succeed!

10) Appreciate your qualities, as well as others’.

When you focus on your positive qualities, as well as on other people’s talents, you begin to appreciate your own strengths. That appreciation helps us to value ourselves more highly, which leads to an overall boost in our self-confidence. Remembering that you have many good attributes—and that others appreciate these qualities too—can help increase your self-worth.


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